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Degreaser spray


  • The degreaser spray evaporates residue-free and leaves no residues on the treated workpieces.  
Customs tariff number
  • 27101225 

Описание изделия

Safety and health: When processing HANSA-FLEX products, the physical, safety, toxicological and ecological data and regulations in our EC safety data sheets must be observed.
HANSA-FLEX ENTFETTERSPRAY quickly, cleanly and reliably degreases all types of hydraulic components from oils, greases and lubricants.
Generously spray onto the parts you want to degrease and allow it time to take effect.
Use a clean cloth to wipe away any dissolved dirt if necessary.
For stubborn stains, apply several times.
Protect O-rings and seals and avoid longer periods of exposure.
Дополнительная информация
Области применения – поворотные и трубные резьбовые соединения, адаптеры и муфты, гидравлические трубы, высоконапорные фланцы.

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