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Ersatzpatrone EW-Ads. VPA m. V. 100 l


  • atsarginė kasetė be jungiamosios detalės 
  • VPA tipui: su vožtuvais 
  • Korpusas: PMMA, PA6, PC 
  • sandariklis: FKM (FPM) 
Jungties padėtis
  • apačioje 
Sumontavimo padėtis
  • vertikaliai 
Temp. maks.
  • 80 °C
Temp. min.
  • −40 °C
Muito tarifo numeris
  • 84219910 
Visos savybės

Gaminio aprašymas

Papildoma informacija
In the adsorber filter, the water molecules contained in the air are bound in the pores of the adsorbent (HANSA-FLEX Xdry). Saturation (loading) and the need to replace the filter cartridge is indicated by a colour change from orange to green.
HANSA-FLEX Xdry consists of silicon oxide and zeolite and is classified as a synthetic, polar and hydrophilic drying agent. Due to its high porosity, it has a large inner surface area. This enables a very high water absorption capacity.
HANSA-FLEX Xdry with a colour indicator is used in the adsorber filters. Colour changes indicate the water content and thus the progress of the loading of the desiccant.
The mixture of silicon oxide and zeolite is not classified as a hazardous substance according to European Union legislation (Regulation EC number 1272/2008). It is not subject to labelling according to the EC Directive (67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC). It is not classified as a substance hazardous to health or the environment.
Užsakymo nuoroda
Replacement cartridge for disposable adsorber VPA

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