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K- 07 40 47 31

X-Steckverb. Schl.-a-D 8 MS vern.
25,4 mm
žarnos išoriniam Ø
8 mm 
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Подробное описание продукта

K- 07 40 47 31

25,4 mm
žarnos išoriniam Ø
8 mm


Darbinis slėgis
  • Max. 16 bar 
Darbinė temperatūra
  • -20 °C to +80 °C 
  • nikeliuotas žalvaris 
Prispaudimo žiedas
  • Hostaform 
Įtempimo žiedas
  • nerūdijantis plienas 
Muito tarifo numeris
  • 74122000 
Все свойства

Описание изделия

Прочие данные только по запросу.
The advanced version of our highly successful push-in fittings series manufactured in nickel-plated brass. Advantages of this new, optimised series: Much easier connection and disconnection of the hose, even with repeated mounting, can also be used for non-calibrated hoses, suitable for vacuum operation.

Product variants

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